Thursday, October 8, 2009


It's been a long road. A long road to get everything single piece of equipment we own today. From working two jobs at a time, to saving up birthday and holiday money.

So far, I've only bought new equipment. But nothing says buying new is necessary.

This is where good old Craigslist comes in the play.

We were looking for a good mic to be able to record the drums. After browsing for it on sites like or and checking the prices, we found a good deal on Craigslist. I've actually never made a purchase through it so I'll found out if this works out. Anyhow, if it is a good deal, we'll be saving.

We'll be posting up more previews of new songs in the upcoming week.


  1. i buy all my equipment through craigslist. i get sick deals on there. the delay pedal and whamy pedal that your guitarist owns i got for half price. i would recommend it for most things.

  2. That's awesome. I sure will buy more often from there.
