Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Who is Feu?

Before getting into details with what the band is doing, here is a little bit about who Feu is.

Feu originally started back in April of 2007.  Chris, the guitarist, and I, piano and vocals, had put together a band, but when things didn't quite work out musically speaking, and within the band itself, we chose to start something new.  I bumped into a drummer at school and that's when we started the band, Feu.

By the end of 2007, we all parted our own ways to focus on other things, and try new things out as well.

After a long year of hiatus, Chris and I decided to get back together and work on some of our old songs. After many months of playing gigs with just the two of us, we've finally completed the band over this summer [2009].  Eddie joined us as our bass player, and Nelson got behind a drumset for us.

We recorded a 7 song EP [which stands for Extended Play] before summer and we are now looking into recording a full length album which we hope to finish by the end of winter.  I'll take you through the process of making the album and show you the behind the scenes of it all.

You can check out our music on www.myspace.com/feuband or www.feuband.com
You can also find us on Facebook.

Here's a video a friend of mine made one day, after going to one of our practices, back when it was only Christopher and I.

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