Sunday, November 8, 2009

When the Body Fights Back

Having two internships, school, recording an album on nightly basis, all of that mixed with lack of sleep and poor eating [if any] = sick.

Ah yes! You can only push your body so far. When you push it to its exhaustion point, it gives up on you. At least if you don't take care of it.

I've been so caught up with everything, it seems as if I forget to sleep and eat. It truly didn't bug nor bother me, until the body fought back with a bad cold.

Blah! It's only a cold. Big deal.

So I thought. Until I was asked not to come in the internship in Santa Monica in order to not get anyone sick. Then it got bad enough to the point I had to to bail on the other internship. Worst of all, I didn't have a voice. I couldn't record any vocals, nor could I sing well for the choir concert. Way to go.

It's almost been a week now. Let's hope I recover soon.

Please take care of yourselves!

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