Hello everyone,
it's been a long while I haven't updated the blog.
Feu's back in business with a gig this Saturday May 29th at Chris' house. It starts at 8:30 and Among Sheep and Wolves will be with us as well. 12853 Finchley St, Baldwin Park, CA 91706; that's the address.
We will be selling cupcakes that night in order to raise money for a possible San Fransisco tour/trip in a couple weeks. They will be $1 for one, or a 'feu' for $2 [$2 for 3]. Anyone who buys an album [$12] will get two free cupcakes. Even if you're not planning on going for the cupcakes, do come and support our fellow musicians; besides we will have a couple surprises for you.
What has Feu been up to? Believe it or not, we got contacted by an A&R agency earlier this month. I will explain and get into more detail as what A&R is later. Though I don't personally we will go anywhere with this agency, it made us realize how much we love doing what we're doing and how far we'd be willing to go to make this all happen.
Playing for Relay For Life last Saturday at BPHS was such an awesome feeling. For those who don't know, Relay For Life is an event where people walk for 24 hrs to raise money and awareness to fight cancer. Taking part of such event means a lot to us. In the end, it's never about us, it's about touching other people's lives; that's what it's all about.
We will be working on the website, which we haven't touched since a good two months now [shame on us] and we'll be looking into gigging around the summer. We'll keep you updated.