The month of January is coming to an end, and I'm glad to firmly say that the album will come out as planned in February.
After these past couple weeks of working our butts off, we finally came very close to finishing up the album.
As of now, only one song still requires minor recordings. The rest just need adjustments here and there to make it CD ready.
So, on Thursday night, feeling quite satisfied of what we had accomplished, I spontaneously put together a little listening party an hour before it would happen; literally. To my own surprise, a good dozen dedicated people showed up and had the chance to listen to the whole album, before anyone else. It was good to hear what people had to say and to hear their thoughts. And well... they did get my mother's good crepes [which are French pancakes] out of coming over.
Thanks to all those who came out that night.
Looking forward to releasing the album soon!